Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cencorship In australia

With reference to set reading "Cencors come calling", I will discuss cencorship in relation to Australia's newly proposed internet cencorship law.
Under the Rudd government, it is now proposed that there should be the banning of pornography and X-rated violence to protect children. With the controversial proposal, it is suggested that there should be two level of filtering; the first level mandatory and the second level, optional for further increased filtering.

Despite claims that such will protect children; many argue that such measure has little to do with protecting children. ABC news accused the proposed law as an excuse for the government to set down the framework for internet cencorship, which would ultimately facilitate the banning of oppositional and controversial views.

Furthermore, under the proposed law, there will be "prohibited list" in which would remain secret to the public. As such, again many argues that this may cause the government to become arbitrary in its blocking.

Both laws that is proposed and implemented since the turn of this decade are tough cencorship that definitely do not run in pararrel with how a democratic society should function as. Australia, once having a proud condition of protecting individual's freedom and rights appears to be retreating in terms of fundamental human rights.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Citizen journalism

The term of citizen journalism is allowing those without professional journalism training to use the wide despersion of various digital tools and the global distribution of internet to make and distribute their own news. In fact, Citizen journalism give the big impact to the society, because it contains a lot of information about the news in our society and it is interesting . Citizen journalism has been effective communication tools for people to know about anything happened around them.

In the article that mentioned by BBC, the usefulness of the press goes much wider than merely investigating abuses or disseminating general news; it lies in holding governments to account—trying them in the court of public opinion.

Unfortunately however, media corporations that dominate nowadays appear to fail in fulfilling its role as the fourth estate, which is to act as a watchdog and guardian of the public interest. According to Dan Gillmor, corporate journalism now gravitates towards entertainment/lifestyle pieces and less serious journalism, which undermines the reputation of the traditional corporations. Thus, it is under such conditions that citizen journalism steps in to fills the gap and thrives.

In addition, citizen journalism has both the advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of citizen journalism is it provides relevant and quick information, on the other hand the disadvantages caused by citizen journalism are it may caused violence and infringe upon the law because of wrong posting.